Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 Year in Review

Here's a little recap from 2010...

From a 2 month old to a Toddler!  From spitting up to now spitting out food he doesn't like. Mack keeps us quite entertained, in fact we often joke "what did we do for entertainment before Mack". It has been so much fun learning the adventures of parenthood all the while trying to keep up with the daily laundry and many chores around the house.  Challenging yet rewarding! 
January also brought new MC faces and May brought a final farewell to Master's as we know it. 

2010 Goals turned into Good intentions as, well life happens.  Ready to make new ones in 2011.

Axis, our youth group, officially went to 2 services on Sunday morning and increased roughly by 30%. At the end of the year we have shown an increase of more than 65%!

Micah turned 27 and we took our first little get-a-way without Mack to San Antonio.  Reluctant to leave my 3 1/2 month old I didn't realize how much I needed it until we actually got away.  

At the beginning of the month I was preparing for a Girl's Night with our high schoolers and in the process, had an epiphany... I am definitely called to be a stay-at-home wife/mommy. As hard and challenging as it is there's no place better to be than in the center of God's will.


Micah and I had the privilege of dedicating Mack to the Lord on Mother's Day.  

We had the pleasure of visiting my family in Kansas/Missouri and of course showing off our little bundle of joy.  Mack did amazing on his first airplane trip! Can't post all the pics but here's just a few...

A moment of vulnerability with the post pregnancy pounds... let's not relive that, shall we.

Family pictures, Youth Camp, an 8 month old, 2 teeth and officially crawling - it was a busy month!

 Micah's grandma, Ruby Crews, passed away at the age of 93.  Although I did not have the privilege of knowing her well, I am so thankful for the rich legacy she has passed down and I am honored to be named among her family.  She was a devoted woman of God, sewing quilts even at the age of 92 for less fortunate children in El Salvador.  She will be dearly missed by many.

After camp, Micah had the privilege of baptizing several of our youth students!

During camp my Junior girls adopted the name Pink Cobras.  We have grown very close over the months and enjoy time together!

I celebrated my 29th birthday and we got away for a few days to San Antonio!  Also a couple of Micah's aunts came to visit.

Micah and I celebrate 6 wonderful years together!

Got Christmas shopping done as well as Christmas pictures taken.  Mack turned 1 on November 23rd! And Thanksgiving was a blast!


It seems as though Palm Valley Church is always under construction but with constructions come the new... 

 On December 5 we had our first service in our new sanctuary 

It is such an honor to be a part of a thriving church where God is moving and lives are being transformed!

Christmas was a lot of fun this year with Mack, of course any 1 year old has more fun with the wrapping paper and boxes than the gift itself:)

Overall it has been an amazing year, to God be the Glory!

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