Tuesday, November 16, 2010

October in Review

This review is a bit late in posting but better late than never...

On the first of October Micah and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary.  This year we took a little day trip to Corpus Christie while Mack stayed with his Grammy and Grandpa.  We ate some good food, visited the Texas State Aquarium, toured the USS Lexington and most importantly enjoyed each others company.  

Family Fun
We try to keep things interesting in the Crump home and want to get into the habit of doing things that are fun with the family.  I know Mack is only 11 months but we figured that shouldn't stop us from including him.  So this month we did a couple fun projects like finger painting and carving a pumpkin.  Here's just a couple pictures.

Cleaning up after our finger painting.

Picking out a pumpkin.

Our carved pumpkin.

In the last year Axis, our high school student ministries, has had a growth increase of 65% - that's pretty phenomenal if you ask me.  Mid-month we had our 2nd annual Fusion event, where a life can be changed in just 24 hours. This years theme was Time Management.  Micah spoke and talked about not using your time for only you and having a self-centered life, but rather choosing to give your few short years hear on earth to God - to be a part of His bigger story... to surrender.  With illustrations on how to prioritize and hands on visuals I believe 66 students got it!

Well it was a great month! I'm sure so much more happened but so little time to record it all.  I'll have my hands busy next month with our little man turning 1 and Thanksgiving, beginning holiday shopping...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Mack - 11 Months

It's hard to believe my baby is already just 1 month away from being a year old.  There have been days where it seemed like time stood still and yet looking back it has gone so fast!

So what is Mack up to at 11 months?  

Talking up a Storm
"Mama" and "dada" are pretty consistent words now but Mack can also babel short fully inflected sentences as though he's carrying on conversation with you.  We jus act as though we understand by being avid listeners. Mack also responds to quite a few simple questions and commands.  For example, we ask "where's your toys" or even a specific toy and he can point to it.  If we ask him to hand us something or to pick something up he can and his favorite is rolling a ball back and forth. 

Name that Item

He's learning the parts of his face and head and anything he points to we repeatedly teach him what it is and what its purpose is.  We are constantly counting, singing, and learning new things.

Helpful Little Guy
Little people are very observant creatures and will mimic anything you do.  Because Mack is so receptive now, I like to emphasize "please" and "thank you" as he he likes to help me... he helps me fold laundry and sweep the floor.  He's my little helper!

We've officially gone from sitting to standing, crawling to cruising and cruising to taking our first few steps.  He definitely keeps mommy busy.
And of course for the pictures...

Loves to sit at the window and look outside.

We had our first finger painting experience.

The one on the bottom left is Mack's, it's now framed in daddy's office.

Biting daddy's ear.

I'm helping mommy, or so I think I am.

How about this one?

Ok, I'll settle for this one, it's more my size.

I helped daddy take out all the seeds.

And there's our finished product, we had fun!

I'm helping mommy sweep the floor.

Standing by myself for the first time.

When mommy turned her back I crawled into the dishwasher.  Can I get any cuter?

Just a few more weeks and I'll be ONE!