Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Mack - 12 Months (1 Year)

Well overdue but for the sake of being able to look back later I wanted to go ahead and post about Mack's 1 Year milestone.

The month of November was quite adventurous to say the least... Right after Mack turned 11 months he got sick with some kind of stomach bug, for almost 3 weeks he was throwing up.

On the brighter side of things Mack started getting birthday presents mid-November starting with a tree from his Grammy and Grandpa (Micah's parents).

Got his first package in the mail.

We took our first trip to the Zoo.

Mack started walking the day before his 1st Birthday and there's no stopping him now.  We took Family Christmas/Birthday pictures. Had a fun Block themed birthday party.  Got lots of presents from cool camo clothes, drums, blocks, cars, stuffed animals, veggie tale video, a new Praise Baby video, and even a swing set!

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I was just a few days old on Thanksgiving here.
1 year later and I'm full of personality!

November was full of fun and excitement!  Now the fun really begins, I have a toddler - WOW!