In our current series at church called "Road Trip - Mapping out a healthy family culture", Pastor Rick talked about our homes being a Greenhouse for our children. As a new parent it was quite a challenging message with a powerful closing prayer that reads as follows:
“God, we cry out for Your wisdom and we beg for greater understanding. We need Your strength to be fully engaged in the challenge of parenting and influencing lives. We need Your guidance to build character and values and vision into our kids. God, I pray that You would please help us as parents see that this season of parenting is the ultimate spiritual challenge, worthy of our best efforts and largest investments of time. God, our prayer is that You would help us mold children into a God honoring difference maker. We can’t do it on our own so we beg for Your help. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.”
If you'd like to hear the complete message, check it out here.