Monday, October 13, 2008

To Be Tempted

A person has not shown true obedience if he or she has never had the opportunity to disobey. Thus we need to be tempted.

The word tempted is translated from the verb that means "examine or test to learn another's true nature or character."  When pressed by testing, tempting times, it can strengthen our resolve to remember that trials and temptations are not the real enemy. Eternally, perhaps our greatest enemy on earth is losing perspective and beginning to value our fragile surroundings more than God's faithful friendship in our lives.  From that point of view, if God's presence has led us into trying places, is there really any other place we would rather be? Both James and Peter call us to rejoice when we, like Jesus, experience testing times (
James 3:2-4).

"The choices we make in the place of trial today are greatly the fruit of choices we have made in our yesterdays and every choice we make today is an investment in a future we cannot see."

Satan's basic methods have not changed since Jesus' stay in the Judean wilderness or, for that matter, Adam and Eve's stay in the Garden of Eden.  The same tempting invitations have sounded from generation to generation.  New packaging, for sure, but each shiny, modernized package contains the same tactics.  Thankfully, the power of Jesus' choices has also not changed.  His decisions-and the process by which he made them-can guide us safely through every tempting trial.  (Matthew 4:1-11)

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