Sunday, November 16, 2008

God is Big Enough for Your Fears

We all struggle with fears, some paralyzing, others mildly nagging.  Fear can motivate you to seek God's strength and power, or it can keep your from embracing new opportunities, including those that would help you fulfill his plan for your life.

This morning's service was quite powerful as we looked at the life of Moses, his fears, and truths to hold on to.  God called Moses to bring the Israelites out of Egypt promising to be with him, that he'd bring the Israelites out of Egypt, the elders of Israel would listen to him, and the Egyptians will respond favorably.

And yet Moses had 3 objections.
  1. What if they don't believe or listen to me?  Truth: Be faithful with whatever you've already been entrusted with.
  2. Pardon your servant, I've never been eloquent in speech. Truth: You never have to fear that you are not qualified - God qualifies you.
  3. Pardon your servant, Lord please send someone else.  Truth: The most courageous thing you can do is ask for help.
On a personal note I am anticipating Micah's return home tomorrow after an 11 day ministry trip. I've missed him soooo much!  I think I need to ban him from traveling any more this year... oh wait, he leaves again in 2 weeks to go to El Salvador :(

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