How my baby's growing:
This week, my baby measures over 16 inches long. He weighs 4.1 pounds (try carrying four navel oranges) and is heading into a growth spurt. He can turn his head from side to side, and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath his skin. He's moving a lot, too, so I'm having trouble sleeping because my baby's kicks and somersaults keep me up. I can take comfort though: All this moving is a sign that my baby is active and healthy.How my life's changing:
Had some pretty severe cramping the other day... wasn't sure what to think when I began to time the pain every 4-6 minutes apart for over an hour. I thought surely I'm not having contractions, this baby can't come yet. It could have been a sign of preterm labor but thankfully Micah prayed over me and it subsided.
Had some pretty severe cramping the other day... wasn't sure what to think when I began to time the pain every 4-6 minutes apart for over an hour. I thought surely I'm not having contractions, this baby can't come yet. It could have been a sign of preterm labor but thankfully Micah prayed over me and it subsided.
We had our next Dr's appointment this week and got another ultrasound. As I mentioned before he weighs 4 pounds 1 ounce, not too big yet although heading into a growth spurt could still change that. Here's a picture of his face.
As I mentioned last week I had a Baby Shower this week. It was absolutely wonderful, we had a great turn out of guest! The decoration was lovely and we were very blessed with many gifts to help us as we prepare for Mack's arrival. Thank you so much to all that attended and helped make this day so special. Here are a few pictures from the shower.
As a party favor each guest got a small Tazo tea bag with a note that read "Please Enjoy this Tea from Baby and Me".
Opening gifts!
We didn't play games but each guest got a card to give me advice on.
I've begun making a Pregnancy scrapbook!
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