Thursday, January 28, 2010

January in Review

January 2010 welcomed the 15th class for Mission Master's Commission (It's hard to believe I came down here 9 years ago thinking I will complete my 7 months and be on my way - I'm still here). We had 5 first year's join us this semester - one is from our own youth group, another from Oklahoma, one from Kansas, one from Mississippi, and one from Guatemala. They seem to be meshing quite well. Looking forward to all God has in store for them. Little do they realize how much 7 months can change your life - it did mine!

The youth group is gearing up for their first big event of the year - Life Challenge Retreat. This event is designed to be a personal-growth-oriented outing focused on building self-confidence, leadership abilities, and communication skills. During the retreat, students and leaders will work their way through a huge obstacle course, challenging problem-solving situations, and enjoy quiet God-moments, encouraging each other along the way. We've got 67 going - that's exciting!

Earlier in the month I posted about a few goals I set for this year:

  1. We are still going strong and really enjoying the devotional "Moments with the Savior".
  2. I'm still reading my Woman's Devotional Bible - Sanctuary but I've made some modifications to the reading plan. I've also enjoyed reading through the book of Proverbs with our youth group and daily posting on facebook.
  3. Wanted to update my blog at least twice a month and I've actually posted 5 times this month - yeah!
  4. I've faithfully kept a daily picture of Mack on photobucket - I really like doing this.
  5. I was able to read through 2 books this month (feeding times really help). 
    • One of the books I read is called "The Prodigal God" by Timothy Keller - it breaks down the famous story in the book of Luke known as the parable of the prodigal son. A story about a son who takes his father's inheritance and wastes it all and then returns home to a forgiving father. But it is a great mistake to think this is a story about just one son. It's actually a tale of two sons. It's a story about a younger brother and an elder brother... I'll stop there so as not to give too much away but I would definitely recommend this book.
    • "On Becoming BabyWise" by Gary Ezzo & Robert Bucknam is the other book I read. On Becoming Babywise brings hope to the tired and bewildered parents looking for an alternative to sleepless nights and fussy babies. The Babywise Parent Directed Feeding concept has enough structure to bring security and order to your baby's world, yet enough flexibility to give mom freedom to respond to any need at any time. It teaches parents how to lovingly guide their baby's day rather than be guided or enslaved to the infant's unknown needs.   Although there has been some controversy on the methods used in this book I believe if you take it as a grain of salt and use what works for you, you can benefit from it.  It may not be for everyone but it has worked for me and I would recommend at least looking into it and forming your own opinion.

Myself and a group of other mom's with young children decided to have a Mommy's Day Out twice a month where we can bring our kids and have a time of fellowship. I've enjoyed the two we've had and look forward to many more.

Mack is growing so fast - the other day I was sitting on the couch kissing Mack's little cheeks and talking to him when it dawned on me there will come a day (probably when he's in junior high) that it won't be "cool" anymore for mom to kiss him, Micah just laughed at me buts it's true. Mack had his 2 month check-up and is doing great! I'm so glad I get to stay at home with him, I couldn't imagine being away from him all day. I really feel for the women who have to work but want to stay at home. I know it's not for everyone but I wouldn't want it any other way. 

Micah is doing great - he amazes me at how well he juggles everything on his plate from being the Master's Commission director, youth pastor, intern director, husband, friend and dad... he deserves an award! We are more in love than ever and enjoy life together.

2010 has gotten off to a great start and I'm looking forward to seeing what else God has in store for this year.

1 comment:

TulipGirl said...

"Although there has been some controversy on the methods used in this book I believe if you take it as a grain of salt and use what works for you, you can benefit from it."

Of course I understand taking anything with flexibility and common sense. I'm concerned, however, that much of the information in BW is not based on what is known about infant growth and development. So parents referring to BW are referring to a source with faulty information for their decision making.

All that to say, I'm sure you are also referencing other sources. Keep reading and researching. . . and enjoy these early months! They go buy so quickly.

Grace and hope,