Friday, July 23, 2010

Mack - 8 Months

Ahh, my baby is 8 months old today and he's not slowing down... here's a few pics to recap the past month.(Sorry if any of these pictures seem redundant)

Trying out the jumpy thing, I kept hitting the door though, so I may need to wait till I have a little more body control (the tile didn't help with the pajamas).
I'm praising Jesus with my Baby Praise video.
Got all the toys out, now how do I get in this thing...
Mommy got me up on my knees but I can't figure out how to keep them under me.
Saturday afternoon nap with my dad.
Oooh, this is new, it has handles.
I love story time with my Bible.
I think I can get out of here...
Aww the cold ice helps my tooth.
Hmmm, I think I can get out of here too, I keep mommy busy!
See my first tooth, it started cutting through on July 1st.
To be like my daddy, he's cool.
Well I think I'm somewhere between 17 and 18 pounds.
I love to read!
Still trying to crawl, I'm good at getting up on my hands.
And today (officially 8 months) I kept going backwards, how did I end up under the couch?

So Mack has officially cut his first tooth, is trying to crawl, attempting to pull himself up on anything he can reach (including the sides of the crib - time to lower the mattress) and of course he just keeps getting cuter!

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