Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mack - 9 Months

It seems like so much has happened over the last month...  
Army crawl, can't leave him out of sight anymore.
Pulling up on his bookshelf.
He likes to pull all the books off the shelf (and eat them too).
Playing with his toys.
Rolling the ball back & forth with mommy.
His favorite toy is a lime juice bottle.

9 month check-up 18.13 lbs (still only in the 25% bracket)
That's my pediatrician Dr. Martin Garza
They had to poke my finger but I got a cool band-aid to play with.

A few other highlights this months are:

  • holds his bottle by himself
  • very curious about everything, is constantly looking around
  • notices the smallest things even a hair on the floor
  • getting attached to mommy and wants to be held all the time but (beginning signs of separation anxiety)
  • loves to walk when you hold his hands but thinks he can do it by himself
  • is so cute when he's trying to feed himself, using the pincer grasp
  • very vocal these days
  • beginning to throw little fits - Believe it or not, the stubborn streak is actually key to his development. When he tosses something on the floor or ignores you completely, he's developing his sense of himself as a person who's separate from you. Plus, continuing on his path of destruction, despite your protests, is actually a step toward a prolonged ability to concentrate (though you should be consistent about setting limits, especially where safety issues are concerned).
  • all over the house in the walker
  • says dada, mum, more, and understands a few other words

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