Monday, October 10, 2011

Parker - 1 Month

Parker has survived his first month in the Crump household!  We are still learning how to manage two little ones and we're working very hard to keep Mack from feeling jealous.  It takes a little more patience and time but Mack seems to really love having a baby around, especially when he gets to be the big helper.  Parker doesn't know it yet but he has a friend who can't wait to play with him!

Baby's First Month
What a difference a month makes! Parker has now lost much of that puffy newborn look and can hold his head up solo for a minute or two. He's also beginning to discover his own body, especially his hands, which will endlessly fascinate him; you might catch him staring at them for minutes at a time.  As a general rule, a baby's development starts at the top -- his head -- and works downward. So as time goes on he'll learn how to control his head and neck, followed by his arms, torso, then legs.
Parker is now a bit over 9 pounds, light brown hair and big blue eyes just like his brother.  At this point his eyesight is also getting sharper. By the fourth week, most infants can see about 18 inches in front of them -- not exactly eagle-eyed yet, but getting there. For the most part Parker has a pretty consistent schedule of sleeping 3-4 hours, waking for about an hour to two hours for feeding, diaper change and cuddling.  Night times have been decent with normally 2 feedings but we're looking forward to at least a 6 hour stretch in the next few weeks.  Not too much to report at this stage but we'll keep the updates coming and don't forget to check out photobucket for the latest pictures.

1 month old today

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