Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Season of Purging

So Micah decided instead of doing a full marathon this year he wants to train for a full ironman! I asked if he'd be willing to negotiate on a few things for my full support... Obviously it's going to take some time and devotion in training so my stipulations were for the duration of training, no TV (with the exception of football on Thanksgiving), phones are on the counter in the evening and we need to be very intentional with the time we do have. It will take more effort and creativity with two little boys but I feel like we will all be better for it.

I've been wanting to get rid of cable for quite a while now. Honestly it is such a time zapper and easy convenience to get distracted and not focus on things that really matter. I get aggravated when the tv is always on and children get ignored or we don't spend quality time together. I'm always saying I don't have time for... But the reality is I don't make time, instead I choose to veg in front of the tv and be unproductive.

Surprisingly Micah was up for the challenge as we reclaim our lives. It shall be a season of spiritual, physical and emotional growth for the family.

I started my Monday in purging mode! I'm cleaning and organizing my whole house. I just feel so much better when things are decluttered and organized. So today I began with the kitchen. I pulled everything out of drawers and cabinets, reorganized and threw a lot of unused items away, 3 trash bags full! It felt good! I did most of it during nap time so I didn't neglect time with the boys.

Here's to a season of purging: 2.
to rid, clear, or free

We are getting rid of unnecessary "stuff" in our home, clearing our time of distractions so that we may connect better with God individually and as a family and freeing ourselves to take our physical health more seriously.

I'm excited for the adventure ahead!!!

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