Friday, October 12, 2012

31 Days: Day 12

The Discipline of Receiving Grace

We all have those "blah" days where you just aren't motivated, maybe you didn't sleep well the night before, you don't feel well, you're irritable, cranky... What about a "bad" day spiritually where it seems everything has gone wrong and you are feeling very guilty.

It is on those days we must intentionally go back to the cross and see Jesus there bearing our sins in His own body (1 Peter 2:24).  We must by faith accept the grace that is freely given us through the blood of Christ that will cleanse our guilty consciences (Hebrews 9:14).

James Ryle has suggested "Grace is the empowering Presence of God enabling you to be who He created you to be, and to do what He has called you to do." 

Today was just one of those days where I didn't feel great so I receive His grace knowing He will enable me to press on with a new grace for tomorrow.  

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