Friday, October 26, 2012

31 Days: Day 25

The Discipline of Being a "Pitcher"

There are days when I just want a few moments of "alone time"... just a few moments to breath.  As a full-time, stay-at-home wife/mommy of 2 kids under the age of 3 I find those moments are few and far between.  There is always something else that needs to be cleaned, pick-up or put away... always something or someone who needs my attention.  That was the case just a few days ago.  I was busy.  I was preparing to teach this "very important" class at church that night and I didn't have time for interruptions.  

I was getting ready to "serve" and yet there was my sweet  little 1 year old trying to get between me and the paper I was so concentrated on studying.  What did he need?  He just wanted mommy's attention.  He wanted me to look at him and acknowledge him.  He wanted to sit in my lap and lean his head back against my chest as I rested my chin on his head.  He needed his cup filled up and he wanted me to be the pitcher.  I had a choice.  Do I sacrifice the study time I so desperately needed to be prepared for my "talk" or do I stop now and acknowledge him?  I chose him!

I stopped.
I pushed my notes aside.
I smiled.
I held and embraced my baby.

I became a pitcher that day and Jesus used me to fill him back up.  I went on to teach my class and Jesus showed up there too with much grace as I spoke a very clear message that I had only fully looked over once.  Then laying in bed that night sharing the stories of the evening with my beloved husband he said, "I'm so proud of you but I prefer you to be the CEO of our home, you are really awesome at it."  

That is my life, I am the Crump CEO, I fill pitchers and I wouldn't want it any other way.  

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