Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Mack - 5 Months

Well we ended last month with a bout of diarrhea and switched formulas in hopes that would help.  Within just a couple of days the diarrhea was gone and my baby was on the road to recovery.  We discovered that Mack has an allergy to milk so we are sticking with a soy base formula for the time being.

Although Mack rolled over for the first time after 3 months he hasn't done so since.  He loves to roll from side to side but has no desire to be on his stomach - we're working with him. He loves being propped into a sitting position and is gaining a lot more control of his upper torso and holding his head quite steady now. By the end of this month Mack should be close to weighing about twice what he did at birth (7.14 lbs).

Mack's eyes now direct his hands and anything he can reach he grabs as well as puts it in his mouth.  He is babbling more than ever, still mainly coos and squeals but working on combining consonants with vowels like "da" or "ma".

We've slowly been working on introducing rice cereal and will work towards vegetables and fruits by the end of the month. We just didn't want to rush it since we found out he had an allergy to milk, we wanted to cross that hurdle first.

Here are a few pictures from this last month. If it were up to him, he'd never wear clothes :)

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