Read this devotional by Alicia Chole and thought it was worth reposting.
the quiet in quiet time
“...and Father please...
and remember to...
and I need...
and watch over...
and help us with...
...thank you for this quiet time, amen.”
“Child, I missed something.”
“Yes, Father, what did You miss?”
“Where was the ‘quiet’ in this ‘quiet time’?”
“Oh Father, I did it again. I forgot to pause, to rest, to wait, to listen.”
“Understandable Child, you do have a lot on your mind.”
“Father, You’re smirking!”
“Ah, but it’s a love-filled smirk!
“Remember to add quiet to your quiet time Child. Quietness creates a pause that re-aligns your values with My own. Quietness unclutters your faith and refreshes your peace. Quietness frees you from the forceful currents of business and magnetizes your soul to eternity. But most of all, quietness gently ushers you closer to Me—which is exactly where I long for you to remain.”
Guidance for reflective journaling
One ~ In Creative Prayer, Bridgid Herman states that, “The most formidable enemy of the spiritual life and the last to be conquered is self-deception; and if there is a better cure for self-deception than silence it has yet to be discovered.” Prayerfully think about the connection between noisy living and self-deception. How can silence unveil deception?
Two ~ Consider Psalm 130.5: “I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning.” Earlier generations often spoke of “waiting” on the Lord. Is the “waiting” spoken of by the psalmist familiar or unfamiliar to you? Spend a few moments evaluating the “quiet” in your quiet time. Are you comfortable or uncomfortable with silence? What role does listening/silence have in your prayer life?
Three ~ This week try an experiment: carve out 3-5 minutes each day to simply rest in stillness and silence in God’s presence. For these few minutes just “be” without reading, speaking, asking, singing, or working. Wait on Jesus not for answers, but because He is worthy of waiting upon. Honor God with a few minutes of silence and stillness.