Thursday, September 1, 2011

Mack - 18 to 20 months

Ahhh, where does time go! My baby is already 21 months old and #2 is just two weeks away...

Again I fail to get out the monthly update so here's a few months combined:

18 months
The big deal this month was moving Mack into his big boy bed in his new room.  With having another boy it makes it easy in that we could keep the nursery as is and focus on giving Mack a new room so he can be excited about something and not feel like it's all about the new baby.  The first 2 nights were easy...until he realized he can now get out of his bed - sigh!  It's been quite the ordeal but he's still young so we've been working on it.

Here are just a few pictures from the last few months:

19 Months
Vocabulary is growing, becoming more independent, still loves anything musical and has to have music time everyday.

20 Months
So from early on Mack would get horrible diaper rashes that no remedy seemed to cure, we've literally tried everything from more frequent diapers changes, to everything the Dr will prescribe to natural remedies and nada!  So one morning after changing Mack's first diaper of the day, I decided to let him run around without a diaper to "air out".  I had actually read an article called potty training in 3 days or less where you actually let the child go naked for 3 days to work on potty training.  I had tried it a couple times but Mack just kept peeing on the floor... but this day, in attempt to help the diaper rash, Mack self initiated going to the potty and had it down like a pro.  So at 20 months Mack is on his way to being completely potty trained (we're still working on away from home or when he's with other people for example in the church nursery).

Until next time...

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