Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

This year for Mother's Day, I felt a little spoiled! Now I've only been a mommy for a few years so my 2 boys are still young and need help in celebrating mommy. Let me just make a little side note here that gift-giving and creativity are not my husbands strong suits (although, I do believe they can be learned and just because it's not a strength that shouldn't be used as an excuse to forfeit the acts altogether). So anyway it started with my husband asking how he could help make Mother's Day special this year. I told him it wasn't about gifts but rather my boys acknowledging it to be a special day to celebrate mommy - this is what I give my life to after all. I did tell him however, if he wanted to treat me, I'd really love to get my hair cut and rehighlighted. 

So I'm out looking for a gift for my MIL. Thought I might be able to find something at James Avery... As I'm looking through all the charms, Mack is asking me what they each are or what they say. We get to a section of mommy charms and I'm reading them. One says, mom, mommy, very special mom, best mom. Mack's says, "mommy, I want to get that one for you because you're the very best mom!" Now we weren't there to get me a charm but how could I resist my precious 4 year old who insisted "he" wanted to get that for his mommy. I obliged and will remember forever my charm from Mack that says "Best Mom!"

I confessed later to my husband that I ended up getting a charm for myself instead of for his mom 😁. But I'd still really like to get my hair done. He agreed and thought the charm story was really sweet. 

Then my dear mentor mom, Debi, gave me a set of her jewelry as I had always admired hers. 

Got my hair done - love it!

Then got a book I had wanted for quite some time from my parents, Kirk & Donna. 

Spontaneously Micah sent me to get a pedicure/manicure which I normally pride myself in doing my own. Although it is a treat to be pampered. 

Got a candle from a friend. 

Art work from my precious boys (done in their classes at church) to adorn my fridge. 

Mack was included during the church announcements in a Mother's Day Video. 

Then a little surprise from my 3 special guys after a restful nap... My boys dressed in matching  button up shirts with ties escorted me to the living room for a special skit scripted by my hubby and acted out by my little guys (wish I could've gotten it on video, it was so precious!). Ending with a beautiful video that was perfect! (Micah, it was a perfect gift with great creativity - I knew you had it in you! 😉)

To end the evening, my mentor mom, Debi, offered to watch our boys so Micah and I could go on a much needed date. We saw the movie "Mom's Night Out" which was hilarious! Then enjoyed dinner conversation and of course dessert!  

It was a special day!

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