Saturday, September 20, 2008


Went to Mexico with Master's to train some youth kids in skits and dramas for street ministry.  Then we had a youth service with them, Kourtni (2nd year MC student) spoke from her heart on Jeremiah 29:11.  She did an amazing job communicating, especially having a language barrier. Micah, as always, did a good job translating.   

I was encouraged at the enthusiasm of the youth from Mexico, their quick ability to learn, and their engagement in service.  One student really stuck out to me in particular.  As I watched him the Lord showed me that he had a call on his life and that he would impact a new generation for the Kingdom of God.  Like David served his generation according to the will of God (Acts 13:36), may this young man carry out the vision to fulfill his life purpose for this generation.  

We ate amazing greasy tacos on the street to top off our night.  

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