It's been a little bit since I've updated you on Mack. He is now 6 weeks old and progressing right along. After his two week check up he wasn't gaining enough weight so we began supplementing formula and at 4 weeks he finally reached 8 pounds 3 ounces. At 6 weeks he's pursing his lips, raising his eyebrows, widening and squinting his eyes, and furrowing his brow. Mack holds his head pretty steady and is able to lift it when lying on his tummy. He is such a joy to watch.
Here's a few recent pictures...
He's recently become acquainted with his thumb.
Getting Ready for bath time.
He's actually been enjoying the bath time but he looks pretty serious.
Done with his bath and quite content.
He's following objects with his eyes and is beginning to mimic facial expressions and movements. Check this out: